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A clear vision on skin therapy


Dermatologists and aestheticians describe it as the “Zoom effect”: as more and more people make working from home (and thus staring at their own faces in virtual meetings) a permanent way of life, interest in cosmetic skin procedures is skyrocketing. And this is by no means a temporary effect of COVID—the global non-invasive aesthetic treatment market is projected to balloon from €47 billion in 2021 to over €83 billion by 2026. Contributing toward this explosive growth is an increasing emphasis on combining procedures: having made up their minds to seek aesthetic treatment, many patients prefer to address multiple issues “while they’re at it.”

With this in mind, F Care Systems presents the Viridex®RF, an all-in-one radiofrequency skin treatment system ideal for treating numerous dermatological issues, including:

    • Telangiectasias
    • Rosacea
    • Stretch marks
    • Cherry angiomas/hemangiomas
    • Fibromas
    • Wrinkles