The dermaPACE® System

Shockwave Therapy Surpasses Standard of Care in First-Line Diabetic Wound and Pressure Ulcer Treatment.

Pulsed Acoustic Cellular Expression (PACE®) is a proprietary form of extracorporeal shockwave technology (ESWT) that utilizes high-energy, nonthermal acoustic pressure waves generated via an electric discharge inside a fluid, which is known as electrohydraulic method. Specially modulated shockwaves are delivered directly into the wound bed and periwound that penetrate deep inside the tissue to promote wound healing and wound closure.


PACE therapy is more likely to achieve wound closure than standard first-line wound care treatments. Its unique mechanism of action (MOA) helps explain why PACE-treated wounds heal better and faster.


This proven solution helps expedite the healing process at the cellular level, resulting in less time and resources spent on costly treatments that are not as effective. SANUWAVE’s dermaPACE System* offers a better, simpler, and cost-effective alternative to the traditional standard of care or other advanced wound therapies, for improved patient outcomes and enhanced quality of life.